Adding an HTTPS binding to an IIS Website using PowerShell
The PowerShell IISAdministration
module allows you to write scripts to automate the configuration and management of IIS. I wanted to use it to automate the setup of local development environments and found a good article written by Paul Stovell at Octopus Deploy that describes how the module works and provides plenty of good examples - if you're only just starting out with the module, as I was, it is well worth a read.
Using these examples I was able to achieve most of the tasks I had set out to accomplish with my scripts, but I wanted to add an HTTPS binding to my Website and that is not covered in the article. After a quick search around I didn't come across a succinct guide to achieving my task so I am documenting my solution here.
There are three parts to this solution:
Get the SSL certificate thumbprint
Convert the thumbprint from hexadecimal to a byte array
Add the HTTPS binding
Get the SSL certificate thumbprint
To be able to add an HTTPS binding I needed to associate it with an SSL certificate, and to do that via the IISAdministration
module I needed the thumbprint of the certificate. This can be achieved in PowerShell using the below function:
function Get-SslCert([String] $name, [String] $location, [String]$storeName) {
$thumbprint = (Get-ChildItem "cert:\$location" | where-object { $_.Subject -like "*$name*" } | Select-Object -First 1).Thumbprint
# Return the thumbprint along with the arguments provided for context and later usage
return new-object psobject -property @{
Name = $name
Location = $location
StoreName = $storeName
Thumbprint = $thumbprint
# This can be called like so if your cert's common name is "" and is located in your "CurrentUser" store (under Local Computer\Personal\Certificates)
$sslCert = Get-SslCert "" "CurrentUser\My" "My"
Convert the thumbprint from hexadecimal to a byte array
The SSL certificate thumbprint must be provided as a byte array when creating the binding using the IISAdministration
module, but the thumbprint returned using the function above is in hexadecimal format. I can convert it to a byte array using the following function:
function HexToBytes($hex) {
$bytes = for($i = 0; $i -lt $hex.Length; $i += 2) {
[convert]::ToByte($hex.SubString($i, 2), 16)
return $bytes
Add the HTTPS binding
Now I have a way to get the SSL certificate thumbprint in the format that I need it I can add the binding. The following snippet assumes that you are adding the binding after creating a new Website, but you can add a binding to an existing website:
# In this example, we are creating a Website called "example-dev" with a host name of "" that is located under "C:\Sites\"
$name = "example-dev"
$hostname = ""
$path = "C:\Sites\"
# Get the SSL certificate
$sslCert = Get-SslCert "" "CurrentUser\My" "My"
# Get an IISServerManager instance
$manager = Get-IISServerManager
# Create the site with http binding
$site = $manager.Sites.Add($name, "http", "*:80:$hostname", $path)
# Convert the SSL certificate thumbprint to a byte array
$thumbprintBytes = HexToBytes $sslCert.Thumbprint
# Add https binding - this is "noisy" by default so piping to `Out-Null` suppresses the output
$site.Bindings.Add("*:443:$hostname", $thumbprintBytes, $sslCert.StoreName, 1) | Out-Null
# Commit your changes
The PowerShell IISAdministration
module is a good option for scripting and automating the creation of Websites in IIS, and this article shows how it can be used to add HTTPS bindings to new or existing sites.